CRSBI is a registered charity (No.1168535). By helping CRSBI through donations or volunteering, you are helping make the CRSBI a world-class archive and freely available to all on the internet. Support from members of the public, companies and charitable organisations helps us to visit more sites, give additional training to our volunteer fieldworkers, allocate sites to expert editors to review before publication, develop research tools such as MyCRSBI on our website, and improve searches and information on our website.
There are several ways in which you can help to ensure that our Romanesque sculpture, a unique heritage, is catalogued. Whether you'd like to make a regular donation, a single gift today or a gift in your will in the future, we are extremely grateful for your support of our work.
Please contact our honorary treasurer Susan Nettle via email at
Registered Charity 1168535 - The Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain and Ireland