The project is driven forward by experts in their fields who are working hard to complete the CRSBI. All the fieldwork and administration of the project is completed by volunteers. We have world-experts and experienced professionals on our management committee and our administrative teams, and they all work unpaid to see the CRSBI project completed.
Our fieldworkers are dedicated volunteers who have the knowledge to catalogue, describe and photograph Romanesque sculpture.
The Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture is a registered charity, no: 1168535
The CRSBI management board
Chair: Dr John Munns
Research Director: Dr Ron Baxter
Treasurer: Susan Nettle
Secretary: Dr Aleksandra McClain
Project Director: Karen Impey
Fieldwork Director: Dr John Wand
Editor Manager: Dr Meg Bernstein
Events Manager: Dr Agata Gomolka
Newsletter and Social Media Editor: Ryley Demchuk
Outreach and Impact: Molly Judd
Training and Resources: Dr Jon Turnock
Minutes Secretary: Gaynor Humphreys
The CRSBI board of trustees
The Board of Trustees are legally responsible for the project but the day-to-day management of the project is done by the management board.
Dr (Imogen) Nicola Coldstream
Katherine Davey
Catherine English (née Hardman)
Professor Eric Fernie
Dr James King
Dr Neil Stratford
Dr Rose Walker
They ensure that CRSBI is run:
1) for the advancement of the education of the public in the history, aesthetics and understanding of Romanesque sculpture made between circa 1050 and circa 1200 in Britain and Ireland and through the establishment maintenance and promotion of a permanent record and archive of such sculpture.
2) to assist in the preservation of such sculpture for the public benefit in such ways as the trustees shall from time to time determine.
CRSBI Editors
Our team of academic editors who check all the fieldworkers' material before it is published on the CRSBI website. They are the only individuals on the CRSBI project who are paid for their work.
- Dr Ron Baxter
- Dr Meg Bernstein
- Dr Agata Gomolka
- Dr Matilde Grimaldi
- Dr Toby Huitson
- Dr Rose Walker