The Corpus of ROMANESQUE SCULPTURE in Britain & Ireland

Classically-derived foliate form, often with voluted outer leaves
A screen at the entrance to a side chapel.
A low pitched gable above doors, windows, etc.
A square or composite pillar performing a similar function to a column.
The flat version of a column against a wall. A pilaster strip is similar but without a base or capital.
A piscina in the form of a short shaft with a base and a capital hollowed out to carry water, usually set against a wall alongside an altar.
A termination crowning spires, etc. usually of pyramidal or conical shape, often carved.
A basin (free-standing or set in the wall) near the altar, usually on the south side, for washing vessels used in the Eucharist.
The projecting block beneath the base of a column, or projecting courses at the foot of a wall; the upper edge is usually chamfered or moulded.
An arch composed of segmental arcs struck from two or more centres. The two segments lean against one another and meet at a point.
Covered projecting entrance.
A colonnette or shaft merely suggested by the curved cutting of an angle stone and shallow vertical quirks.
A convex profile, usually applied to a frieze or impost (from the Latin word for a cushion).
Not a true marble, but a fossiliferous limestone quarried in Dorset from Peneril Point westwards to Warbarrow Tout. It ranges in colour from russet red, to greenish brown or blue grey, and is capable of taking a high polish. See also Sussex Marble.