The Corpus of ROMANESQUE SCULPTURE in Britain & Ireland

St Brendan (medieval)
Parish church
The church stands in an isolated position high up on Exmoor. It comprises nave with N aisle and S porch, chancel with N transept and lean-to NE vestry, and W tower. The nave, chancel and S porch are of 1738. The tower was rebuilt in 1828. In 1873 the church was restored and the N aisle, N transept and vestry were added (Pevsner, 210; Historic England list:1289343). Pevsner suggests that was built from materials salvaged from a 12thc. church at nearby Cheriton which had been abandoned in the early 18thc. Romanesque sculpture is found on the font and on a pillar piscina.
Monastic Irish site, former
A 15thc. building incorporating a late Romanesque E window and early Gothic N doorway. Loose fragments of early 13thc. date are found in the church, which is disused and roofless.