The Corpus of ROMANESQUE SCULPTURE in Britain & Ireland
St Milburga (medieval)
Parish church
b'\nSmall church of undivided chancel and nave with S chapel. The chancel was probably a 13thc. lengthening of the 12thc. building. A S porch and bell-turret are probably of the 1881 restoration. The S doorway is 12thc. as is the blocked N doorway. Much of the walling masonry is of the local whitish-grey lias limestone.\n'
Parish church
This single-aisled church stands in the centre of the south Shropshire village of Stoke St Milborough. Built of coursed stone rubble and stone rubble with ashlar dressings, it has a chancel, nave, timber-framed S porch, and W tower. The fabric is mainly of the 13thc and 15thc, although traces of an earlier church remain (Newman and Pevsner (2006), 607). It was altered in the 17thc, and presumably the porch belongs to this phase. The church was restored in 1859 and again in 1911. The font's bowl has been dated to the 12thc (Historic England List), and there is a sculpted 12thc fragment reset to the right of the priest's door at the SE corner of the chancel.