The Corpus of ROMANESQUE SCULPTURE in Britain & Ireland

Carlow (now)
Two fragments of a granite, ringed cross found in a field, which Crawford describes as the 'Church Field' (Crawford 1907, 218). There are no building remains.
Cathedral church
St Laserian is one of Ireland’s smallest cathedrals. It comprises a 12thc. nave and chancel, a late 15thc. central tower and a 16thc. N chapel to the chancel. The chancel was rebuilt in the 16thc. A plain 11thc. font is located in the chancel, under the E arch of the tower on the N side.
Church (ruin)
The church is a plain rectangular structure (13.2 m x 7 m). The W gable and S wall have been largely rebuilt. No doors or windows survive.
Church (ruin)
Small ruined church built of roughly coursed large granite blocks, measuring c. 11 x 5.7 m internally. The W wall and W part of the N wall stand to c. 4 m, while the rest of the N wall, E wall and S wall are c. 1 m high.