The Corpus of ROMANESQUE SCULPTURE in Britain & Ireland

Down (pre-1973 traditional (Ulster))
Cathedral church
Fragments associated with the original monastic site in Downpatrick, now reset within the late 18th - 19thc. cathedral.
A loose jambstone was found in the graveyard of the 15thc. church in Killyleagh. It was discovered by Dudley Waterman in the late 1960s following clearance of the graveyard. Although the jambstone was placed in storage at the time, its current location is unknown. Waterman published a brief report on the jambstone in 1971, including a drawing and photograph (Waterman 1971). A cross-inscribed stone is the only other indication of an early Christian settlement at Killyleagh. An image and diagram of the jambstone is found in Waterman's article, and reproduced here with the kind permission of the Ulster Archaeological Society.
Church (ruin)
Single cell, nave and chancel church (32.1 m x 6.00 m internally). The E wall and northern return are 13thc., the remainder of the fabric represents a 15thc. enlargement. A plain round-headed window in the N wall may be reused from an earlier structure. Reset carved stones in the E wall may also be from an earlier building.