The Corpus of ROMANESQUE SCULPTURE in Britain & Ireland
Greestone House is SE of the cathedral and is situated off Greestone Place which is linked to Minster Yard. Its origins go back to the 13thc The summer house in the garden is a Victorian folly erected in 1860, which incorporates original Romanesque sculptural elements. The summerhouse is a rectangular building constructed against the W wall of the garden. It is of irregular squared blocks of stone and has decorative battlements. In the long W face is a central Romanesque doorway with some original material included. It is flanked by a pair of round-headed windows. Below the battlements on the W and N facades is a stringcourse set with corbels, and there are projecting corbels at the NW and NE angles. The N facade of the summerhouse has a central round-headed window, The dimensions of this folly are approximately 2.00 m. X 3.65 m. Since this report was written the summerhouse has been professionally restored. In the descriptions below, only genuine Romanesque features are described.