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The church consists of chancel, nave, N and S aisles, N and S porches and W tower with spire. The simple 12thc. church was enlarged in the 13thc. with a new chancel whilst the aisles were added in the 14thc. The 14thc. doorway is by the same hand as that at Hawton. The rood screen dates from about 1475. The church was restored in the 19thc. when the clerestory was removed. The Romanesque features are the N and S porch doorways.
Balderton belonged to the sokeland of Newark in the land of the Bishop of Lincoln in 1086. No church or priest was recorded.
The N and S porch doorways date from about 1140, and were re-set following the building of the aisles. The niche above the N porch appears much later and could well be 19thc. The identity of the figure is uncertain though it could represent St Giles, in the robes of an abbot, to whom the church is dedicated. Pevsner dates the figure to the 12thc.