The Domesday Survey does not mention a church at Knotting, but records that the Bishop of
Coutances held land there. VCH records that on the Bishop's death, the land reverted to
the King and that it was later granted to the Ferrers family who held it until the
17thc. (VCH, 139).
The church was originally a chapel to Melchbourne Church (Bedfordshire). In 1176 the
Bishop of Exeter, resolving a dispute, judged that the chapel should be the property of
the Prior and Convent of St Neots and should be free of Melchbourne. In 1190 this was
confirmed by Hugh of Lincoln. (VCH, 142)
In the mid-13thc. the Priory lost the advowson and by1275 Hugh Bossard, Lord of Knotting
held it. The advowson remained with the Bossard family until the 18thc.