St Margaret's has an aisled, clerestoried nave of three bays, chancel and W tower. The chancel, nave arcades and south aisle are of 13thc. date, but the whole church underwent a complete reconstruction in the 14thc., involving a partial rebuilding of the chancel; a heightening of the aisles and the building of the clerestorey. In the 15thc., the chancel arch was rebuilt and a west tower and spire were built within the nave. At some period, both aisles were shortened at the west end. In 1870-1, Scott rebuilt and widened the N aisle, and a vestry was built on the north side of the chancel, both aisles were restored to their original length, the roofs were renewed, and a south porch was added. The west end of the south aisle was under-pinned and repaired in 1908. The tower, heavily buttressed at the W, has a broach spire with two tiers of lucarnes. The chancel is 13thc., but the chancel arch is Perpendicular. Construction is of coursed ashlar. 12thc. sculpture is represented by the font and the reset S doorway.