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St George, Trotton, Sussex

(50°59′44″N, 0°48′36″W)
SU 836 225
pre-1974 traditional (England and Wales) Sussex
now West Sussex
  • Kathryn A Morrison
  • Kathryn A Morrison
12 April 1993

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Feature Sets

The nave has a W tower and S porch and is decorated with 14thc. wall paintings. The chancel is continuous with the nave, without a separating arch. The church contains a plain font.


There was a church in Trotton in 1086.





Victoria County History: Sussex. IV (Chichester Rape) 1953, 36-38, with plan.
J. Morris and J. Mothersill (ed.), Domesday Book: Sussex. Chichester 1976, 11,7.
M. F. Drummond-Roberts, Some Sussex Fonts Photographed and Described. Brighton 1935, 93.
I. Nairn and N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Sussex. Harmondsworth 1965, 355-56.
Trotton St George guide, nd: The Parish and Church of St George Trotton.
A. K. Walker, An Introduction to the Study of English fonts with details of those in Sussex. London 1908, 46-47.