Domesday records large holdings in Sweffling that had belonged to
William Malet (d.1071), and were held by Count Alan in 1087. Of these, Osmund
held 30 acres as a manor before the Conquest, with two acres of meadow; five
free men held 54 acres and four acres of meadow before the Conquest; and
fourteen free men held 94 acres of ploughland and six acres of meadow. William
Malet's son Robert also held land that had belonged to his father. A manor of
60 acres that belonged to Osbern before the Conquest was held by Robert de
Claville from Robert Malet in 1086. Five acres that belonged to Beorhtnoth
before the Conquest were held by Robert fitzFulcred from Malet in 1086. A manor
of 60 acres held by Aethelwig before the Conquest was also held by Robert
fitzFulcred from Malet. Ninety acres held by eleven free men before the
Conquest also include four acres of meadow and a church, and were held by
Robert fitzFulcred from Malet in 1086. A final holding was in the possession of
one Ralph, who held it from Roger Bigod. This consisted of a manor of 60 acres
held by Wulfric before the Conquest, together with nine acres and two acres of
meadow added to it. Some property in Sweffling had passed to the Priory of
Austin Canons at Little Leighs (Essex) by 1291, and at the Dissolution of
Little Leighs in 1536, the manor of Denford in Sweffling passed to Richard
Upper Alde benefice, i.e. Badingham, Bruisyard,
Cransford, Dennington, Rendham and Sweffling.