The main manor in Killamarsh before the Conquest was held by Godric and Eadric and Thorgisl, and was assessed at 7 bovates and a half. In 1086 it was held by the king's thegns, and also included 7 acres of meadow and woodland pasture 3 leagues long and 75 furlongs and 70 perches broad. A manor of half a bovate was held by Hascoit Musard in 1086, described as waste. The church was formerly part of the chapelry of Eckington and its rectory wasn’t declared independent until 1843. The Taxation roll of 1291 only acknowledges Killmarsh under the title of Eckington cum membro and there is no reference in the Valor Ecclesiasticus. The Parliamentary Commission of 1650, reported that Killamarsh was a parochial chapelry worth £50 a year, and that it ought to be united with the hamlet of Spinkhill, worth £10, and made an independent parish church.