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St Peter, King's Ripton, Huntingdonshire

(52°22′22″N, 0°8′51″W)
King's Ripton
TL 262 766
pre-1974 traditional (England and Wales) Huntingdonshire
now Cambridgeshire
  • Ron Baxter
  • Ron Baxter
25 March 2004

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Feature Sets

St Peter's has a nave with a N aisle, chancel and W tower. The chancel has a mid-13thc. piscina, which may date the present core of the church. The N arcade and chancel arch are both 15thc., as are the tower and the N and S windows. The N clerestorey dates from this period too. The church was restored in 1851. Construction is rough, with nave and chancel of pebbles, the S chancel wall rebuilt in early brick, with brick repairs on the N side too, and the W tower and 16thc. S porch of irregular ashlar. The only Romanesque feature is the font.


King's Ripton does not appear in the Domesday Survey by name, but was presumably included with the king's manor of Hartford, of 15 hides. Two churches were recorded for this manor.





Victoria County History: Huntingdonshire. II (1932)
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England. Bedfordshire and the County of Huntingdon and Peterborough, Harmondsworth 1968, 281-82.
RCHM(E), An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Huntingdonshire. London 1926, 176-77.