St Giles stands in Lamb Gardens to the NE of the city centre. The church was built in 1936 by W. G. Watson who reused material from St. Peter-at-Arches, which had been built by William Smith c.1720-24 and was demolished in 1930. Comparing Watson's church with Grimm's drawing of Smith's church shows that the 20thc architect produced a copy of the 18thc church in brick rather than stone. It may be that the medieval church of St Peter at Arches, which was certainly in existence by the late-12thc., also provided material used in St Giles. Watson's church is built of brick in a neo-classical style, with a W tower, aisled nave, a chancel with and apse and a vestry. The arch leading into the N chapel, L of the apse, and some reset voussoirs over the door leading into the sacristy are Romanesque.