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The original church burnt down in 1880 and was rebuilt by J L Pearson in 1881-2 in 13thc. style (VCH). It has nave, chancel, S aisle and transept and NW tower. Two 12thc. doorways were reused in the new church.
The 12thc. church was granted to Norstell Priory in 1291.
VCH states that Pearson saved two late 12thc. doorways and reset them, and that the present N doorway was the S doorway of the original church. However, this is contradicted by ac.1820 print from the Aylesford Collection, reproduced in VCH, which shows the S doorway with little more than a label.
VCH comments that the reeded diagonal mouldings on the S doorway imposts are cable mouldings, but there is no longer evidence of this.