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Of the church, only the 18thc. brick chancel survives. Romanesque carving is found on a reset tympanum and its supporting corbel capitals. A second plain tympanum lies half-buried in the grounds of the church.
No mention of a priest in DS, but the church was a chapelrey of Hampton Lucy by 1240, and remained under that rector's jurisdiction until 1858.
The church is also known as Old Church
Pevsner mentions that two tympana were reported in 1899 and a 19thc. drawing shows a tympanum on the S exterior wall. The second tympanum referred to is probably the uncarved one now lying outside. This was examined by the author in the 1970s.
The carved interlace is similar to that found at Barton-on-the-Heath, Whitchurch and Offchurch.