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The chapel is simple with nave, chancel and a bellcote rather than a tower. Details are mainly early 14thc., but there is a late-12thc. corbel re-set in the E chancel wall. This is the only Romanesque feature. The chapel was in ruins in 1868.
Amberley was held by Richard from Ansfrid de Cormeilles in 1086. No church was recorded.
Benefice of Marden with Amberley and Wisteston.
According to RCHME (1932) parts of the fabric may date from the 12thc. The corbel capital, however, is certainly re-set, and is similar to one in the S chancel arcade at Ledbury. The date is late 12thc.
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Herefordshire, Harmondsworth, 1963, 66.
RCHME, An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, 2: East, 1932, 136.