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The church dates mostly from the 13thc with a Perpendicular W tower. The N and S doors, and the font, date from the 12thc. The building was restored in 1861-3 by William Butterfield.
No church mentioned in Domesday Book. The manor was held by Earl Roger and consisted of 12 ploughs of land, a mill rendering 15s6d, and 100 acres of land, among other things.
The S doorway is Romanesque but it has been a victim of over-extensive restoration. Buckler illustrated the door in the early 19thc (volume VIII, plate 65). This verifies that its current form is broadly that of its original state.
Anon. 1905. Bristol Records Office EP/J/6/2/91
F. Arnold-Forster, Studies in Church Dedications or England’s Patron Saints, London 1899, III, 79.
J.Buckler, Album of Drawings, Vol. VIII, Devizes Museum, plate 29, 65.
DCMS Listing Description.
Historic England listing 1023297
Nikolaus Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Wiltshire, Penguin 1985, 145-46.
C.E. Ponting. 'Notes on Churches Visited in 1898' Wilts Arch and Nat Hist 30 1899 169-197
A. Tomlin. Castle Eaton's St Mary the Virgin Church 1992 Private Press