The church is set in woodland, alongside the stables of Blatherwycke Hall (the house was demolished in 1948). The nave has an early 12thc. S doorway, and must date from that time. A two-bay N aisle has been added, the arcade of c.1200 but the aisle itself widened in the 19thc. There is no clerestorey, but the interior is bright owing to the large 14thc. windows in the S wall. The chancel has a three-bay N aisle, the arcade 13thc. The W tower is slender and unbuttressed, dating from early in the 12thc. The plain W doorway and plain windows in the N, Sand W walls (not described) attest to this, as does the E bell-opening (the rest are later). Construction is of grey stone blocks, roughly shaped and coursed.