Uppington was held by Godwine in 1066 and by Gerard from Roger, Earl of Shrewsbury in 1086. It was assessed at 2 hides and also included woodland a league long.
Following Eyton, Gerard was Gerard de Tornai whose widow, Sibil de Tornai married Hamo Peverel who succeded to Gerard's estates and held them during the reign of Henry I. He died c.1138 leaving as heirs his nephew William Peverel and Walcheline Maminot, who gave Uppington to the monks of Shrewsbury in an exchange for Crudgington. This questionable deal was eventually reversed by Henry II, who returned Crudgington to the Abbey and (in the absence of an heir of Gerard de Tornai) retained Uppington for the crown. Henry gave the manor to his servant Roger Mussun, who granted the chapel to the Canons of Wombridge Priory in the late-1180s.