This report includes the slype and an area immediately S of that, and a doorway at an upper level in the area of the dormitory and refectory junction:
For the slype, there are two narrow walled areas are seen adjacent to the S exterior wall of S transept. These are the usual monastic slype, and an enclosed rectangular area between that and the thirteenth-century chapter house. Seating has been identified in both these areas.
S of the 13thc. chapter house, at an upper level between dormitory and refectory blocks and only seen from the E side, are the partial remains of a blocked doorway with a plain lintel, all flush with the walling. The wall is dated to the earlier 12thc. phase, but not assigned to any particular building. There is no sculpture or mouldings.
For History, and further Bibliography, see report for Kirkham Priory, church.