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A rectangular church, in ruins but with parts of all four walls preserved. Large irregular masonry blocks.
Not known. The patron saint of the church is traditionally recorded as St Muicin of Maighin, a bishop. Before the Reformation the church belonged to Kells Priory.
Leask suggested a date in the 11th or 12thc. for the church, and compared the doorway to Myshall (Carlow). The large and irregular masonry blocks and the inclined jambs of the W doorway are archaic in style, but the angle-rolls suggest a 12thc date.
W. Carrigan, History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory, Dublin, 1905, iv, 7-8.
P. Harbison, Guide to the National and Historic Monuments of Ireland 1992, 205.
H. G. Leask, Irish Churches and Monastic Buildings, Dundalk 1955, I, 83.