Neighbouring Buckfast is, notably, the site of Buckfast Abbey; the current abbey dating from a refounding in 1882 on the site of the original Cistercian abbey. The first abbey was founded in 1018 and became Cistercian in 1147.
The abbot's lands in Buckfast appear in Domesday (1086). Buckfastleigh first appears (as Legh) in the Lay Subsidy Rolls of 1286.
Excavations at Holy Trinity in 2002 (post-fire) revealed an apse-like structure (possibly early Christian) and five well-preserved later Anglo-Saxon burials in substantial wooden coffins. This has been interpreted as evidence that the Holy Trinity church site was the focus for the early medieval monastic community before this moved northwards to the present site of Buckfast Abbey: Devon and Dartmoor Historic Environment Record MDV15043.