The W range runs N to S, presenting a straight face to the great court from which the cellarer's office projects. At its maximum extent it was 22 bays long, but it had been shorter and narrower. The range was subdivided into various rooms – stores, outer parlour, lay brothers’ refectory; above it was the lay brothers' dormitory (Gilyard-Beer 1970, 57-60). The cellarer's office is an early survival (Gilyard-Beer 1970, 58-9).
The vaulting is famous, but also a few doorways survive; numerous corbels low on the side walls support the vault, while a series of subtle carvings on the southernmost central piers provide detail in this spectacular space.
Corbels are numbered from N to S [not L to R on the wall]. If a corbel was too damaged, no photo was taken; the numbering continues with the next photo.
The doorway into the S aisle of the church is recorded in the report on the church. (For further details of the abbey, see report for Fountains Abbey, church).