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This is a large church with a nave dating from the 13th and 14thc. The nave arcades were built in the early 13thc. but in the 14thc. were raised and therefore widened, probably doubling their height. The only possible 12thc. fabric is the capital of the east respond of the south arcade, which is a crude scallop. The crossing tower dates from the 14thc. and the chancel and transepts from the 15thc.
At the time of Domesday Book the manor was held by Malmesbury Abbey, who also held the advowson of the church. The church was valued at £21 in 1291, and a vicarage was instituted in 1299.
The church is adjacent to the manor house.
N. Pevsner and B. Cherry, Buildings of England: Wiltshire. Harmondsworth 1975, 2nd edition, 274-5.