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All Saints, Beyton, Suffolk

(52°13′45″N, 0°49′49″E)
TL 934 628
pre-1974 traditional (England and Wales) Suffolk
now Suffolk
  • Ron Baxter
  • Ron Baxter
05 October 2005

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Feature Sets

Beyton lies less than five miles E of the centre of Bury St Edmunds, just S of the A14. The village lies in arable farmland, and the church is 0.4 miles W of the hall site. All Saints has a round (actually oval) W tower, a nave with a N aisle added and a chancel. A parish room and vestry annexe was added on the S side of the chancel in 1973. Construction is of flint throughout. The tower has a plinth course and big radial buttresses have been added at the NW and SW. The lower W window is 15thc. as is the tower arch, and the plain parapet is an addition of 1780, with brick bell-openings. There are signs of render on the tower but not the parapet or the buttresses. The windows on the S side of the nave are 15thc., and there is a 14thc. S doorway under a 15thc. porch. The three-bay N aisle was added in the 1853-54, and a 12thc. doorway re-set in its outer wall. This has no porch and is now partly obscured by a shrub. The chancel arch is 19thc. too, and while the western part of the chancel is 14thc. it was extended eastwards in 1884-85, with an E window by Sir Arthur Blomfield. The 19thc. aisle and chancel extension both have windows in a 15thc. Perpendicular style. The 1853-54 rebuild was by John Johnson of Bury St Edmunds. There was an earlier restoration by Howe, Mortimer and Azelwood in 1834-35 when a gallery was added at the W end of the nave. The only Romanesque feature is the re-set N doorway.


The Domesday Survey records only one holding in Beyton; 40 acres held by a free man of Eadgifu the Rich before the Conquest and by Hugh de Montfort in 1086. In 1413 John Duyk, chaplain with Robert Ennok and John Frankelayn received the manor of Beyton and the advowson of the church in fee from John Rous the elder, and in the following year they in turn granted the same properties to John Rous the Younger - one of those confusing transactions that are so common in feudal England. These transfers are recorded in the Edington Cartulary.

Benefice of Rougham , Beyton with Hessett and Rushbrooke.


Exterior Features



The N doorway is a very simple one, but the chamfered jambs and arch in combination with the beaded decoration suggest a date in the third quarter of the 12thc. to the present author.

J. H. Stevenson (ed), The Edington cartulary, Wiltshire Record Society, 42 (1987), 213.
H. M. Cautley, Suffolk Churches and their Treasures. London 1937.
D. P. Mortlock, The Popular Guide to Suffolk Churches: 1 W Suffolk. Cambridge 1988, 15-16.
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Suffolk. Harmondsworth 1961, rev. E. Radcliffe 1975, 99.