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Single-aisled church, largely 19thc in Neo-Romanesque style. There are two 12thc S doorways and a 12thc font.
Billingsley is referred to in Domesday Book as one of the 18 berewicks of the Manor of Morville. The church was a chapel belonging to Morville Church.
The masonry blocking up the S doorway suggests that the doorway was blocked up at a fairly early stage after its completion. The animal head to the R of the blocked up S doorway resembles the animal heads on the corbel tables at Diddlebury and Linley.
Anon, 'Billingsley', leaflet, n.d
D. H. S. Cranage, An architectural account of the churches of Shropshire, vol I, pt. 4, London 1894-1912, 274-5.
R. W. Eyton, Antiquities of Shropshire, London 1856, vol I, 64-7.
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England, Shropshire, Harmondsworth 1958, 75.