Selborne is the village in the East Hampshire district of the county, 4 miles S of Alton, most famous for its association with the naturalist Rev. Gilbert White (1720-93). It is on the northern boundary of the South Downs National Park, and the church stands on the E side of the main road through the village. St Mary's has a nave with N and S aisles, a S porch, W tower and a chancel with a N organ room and vestry. The S aisle was widened considerably after 1284 to accommodate a chantry at its E end. The N aisle was widened in the E bay in 1305 to form a transeptal chapel (now the Peace Chapel). The nave and the wide S aisle are separately roofed, and the N transept has a gabled roof at right angles to the nave roof. The tower dates from 1781 and the porch is 18thc. Construction is of the pale malmstone common to the east of Hampshire. Romanesque features recorded here are the two nave arcades, the chancel arch and a plain font.