Two DB estates may be identified with two manors, each of which was later called North Cheriton. Eiritone or Ciretona was held by Ernwy in 1066 and by Warmund of William de Mohun in 1086. Ciretune was held by Alfwold before 1066 and by Robert under Turstin son of Rolf in 1086. Turstin's lands passed to Wynebald of Ballon who by 1166 had been succeeded by his grandson Henry Newmarch. In addition, two hides in Lattiford in 1066 'could not be separated' from Glastonbury abbey. In 1086, however, they were held of the king but belonged to the abbey's manor of Butleigh. Aelfric was tenant of the abbey before 1066 and Humphrey the chamberlain in 1086.