Youlgreave is a village about 12 miles from Buxton on the River Bradford. The church lies to the of the village and consists of an ashlar gritstone structure with coursed squared gritstone, limestone and gritstone rubble, gritstone dressings and quoins. The church features a chancel, a clerestoried three-bay nave with N and S aisles, a S porch and a W tower. The aisled nave with the arcades date to the late 12thc: the round-headed arches to the S aisle are late Romanesque in style and those of the N aisle feature Transitional arches. The piers of the N and S aisles do not align from N to S. The church was extensively restored in 1869-71 by Richard Norman Shaw. Romanesque sculpture consists of the blocked N doorway, the N and S arcades, the font located in the nave, two slabs, one of which depicting a pilgrim, and a head supporting a stoup.