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All Saints has a chancel, nave, N aisle and 13thc W tower, distinctively surmounted by a three-tier timber lantern that may date from the 16thc. In the chancel, the late 12thc door and piscina have pointed arches. The 14thc N aisle has an impressive timber roof. There is a two-storeyed S porch with an ogee niche. The font is the only feature with Romanesque sculpture.
Shipdham, in the hundred of Mitford, was an outlying estate of the royal manor of Aylsham, held by Gyrth before 1066 and by Godric after the Norman Conquest
Domesday Book: Norfolk, P. Brown (ed), London and Chichester, 2 vols, 1984.
N. Pevsner and B. Wilson, The Buildings of England: Norfolk: North-West and South, Harmondsworth, 1962, revised 1999, 2:645-6