W. Carrigan, The History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory, Dublin, 1905, 253.
E. Dunraven, Notes on Irish Architecture (ed. M.Stokes), London 1877, II, 91-94.
A. Gwynn and R.N. Hadcock, Medieval Religious Houses, Ireland , London 1970, 36.
F. Henry, Irish Art in the Romanesque Period, London, 1970, 181.
H. Lanigan, 'St. Lachtain's Freshford', Old Kilkenny Review, 21, 1969, 5.
H. G. Leask, Irish Churches and Monastic Buildings, Dundalk, 1955, I, 154-6.
R. A. S. Macalister, Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum Celticarum, Dublin, 1945-9, II, 24, no.569.
S. McNab, Irish Figure Sculpture in the Twelfth Century, Ph.D. Thesis, Trinity College, Dublin, 1986, 342-52.
R. Moss, 'The Romanesque Porch', in St. Lachtain's Church Freshford, Conservation Plan (eds) M. Quinlan and T. Foley, Unpublished Heritage Council Report, 2000
T. O'Keeffe, 'La façade romane en Irlande,' Cahiers de civilisation medievale, 34, 1991, 361.
G. Petrie, The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, Dublin, 1845, 282-6.
R. R,.Brash, Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland,Dublin, 1875, 101.
M. Stokes, Early Christian Architecture in Ireland, London, 1887, pl.XLIV.