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Farnborough is a village of a few dozen houses built along a minor road that runs parallel to the Ridgeway and to the south of it. It is situated 5 miles south of Wantage. The church is in the centre of the village, and has a Perpendicular W tower of ashlar and single nave and square chancel of flint rubble. The church has opposed N and S doorways, with a S porch. The simple 12thc. N doorway is the only feature described here.
Farnborough was held by Abingdon Abbey before and after the Conquest, and up to the Dissolution. The manor was assessed at 10 hides before the Conquest but only 4½ in 1086.
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England. Berkshire. Harmondsworth 1966, 143.
G. Tyack, S. Bradley and N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England. Berkshire. New Haven and London 2010, 304
Victoria County History: Berkshire IV (1924), 21-24