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St Andrew, Hasketon, Suffolk

(52°6′21″N, 1°17′8″E)
TM 251 504
pre-1974 traditional (England and Wales) Suffolk
now Suffolk
medieval All Saints
now St Andrew
  • Ron Baxter
  • Ron Baxter
17 November 2005

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Feature Sets

Hasketon is towards the SE of the county, just west of the A12 at Woodbridge; the landscape here is the typical arable farmland of the East Anglian plain. The village is on rising ground on the N side of the valley of a stream; one of a network that drains into the Deben estuary at Martlesham Creek, S of Woodbridge. The church stands in the centre of the village, S of the village green.

St Andrew's has a round W tower, a wide nave with a S porch and a chancel with a N vestry. The tower may be 11thc. in its lower part. This is of flint, 11.6 m (38 ft) high with walls 1.5 m (5 ft) thick, and has13thc. lancets to the N, S and W. The upper storey is octagonal and was addedc.1300, to judge from the bell-openings. It is of flint with ashlar quoins and the top has been rebuilt in red brick. It brings the tower up to a total height of 18.3 m (60 ft). The tower arch is tall and pointed, perhaps contemporary with the upper stage of the tower. The fabric of the nave also indicates an 11thc. date. It is of flint with suggestions of a herringbone pattern in parts of the S wall and layering in the N. There is an early blocked window of just three stones in the S wall. A plain lancet in the N wall dates from the 13thc., and there is a late-14thc. window with mouchettes at the E end of the S wall. The other N window and that at the W end of the S wall are 15thc; while the flowing central S window is a 19thc. invention. An 1843 view by Henry Davy shows a Y-tracery window in this position. The two N doorways date from the 14thc; the S is under a flint and ashlar porch rebuilt in 1868. The chancel arch dates from the 14thc., and the flint chancel, lower and narrower than the nave but still broad and spacious, dates from the 13thc. (on N window). One S window is original: a tall, two-light 15thc opening that also appears on Davy's 1843 drawing. The other is a replacement, with reticulated tracery where Davy shows Y-tracery. The geometric E window is of 1865, replacing the Y-tracery window shown in Davy's 1843 etching, and the flint N vestry was also built in that year. The main 19thc. restoration was carried out by W. Mann in the 1860s and included work on the nave (1863) and the chancel (1865). The nave was reseated in 1866 and the porch was rebuilt in 1868. The only Romanesque sculptures here are the remains of a pillar piscina under the W tower.


Before the Conquest a free man Alwine held 40 acres in Hasketon as a manor with an acre of meadow. In the same place seven free men commended to Ely Abbey held 16 acres, three free men held 12 acres and one free man held nine and a half acres with half an acre of meadow. All of this was held by Roger fitzArnold from Roger de Poitou in 1086. Roger's overlordship also extended to a 13-acre holding held by two free men before the Conquest, and a 25-acre holding held by seven free men and a half before the Conquest. Before the Conquest a free man Lustwine and his wife held 40 acres, two free men held 17 acres, and another held five acres, all three holdings recorded as Robert Malet's in 1086. Finally 22 acres of land held before the Conquest by three half free man and one whole were recorded under Geoffrey de Mandeville's holdings on 1086. The church of Hasketon was among the foundation gifts to the priory of Austin canons at Hickling (Norfolk), given by its founder, Theobald, son of Robert de Valoines in 1185. The gift was confirmed by King John in 1204, and by Innocent III in 1209, when reference was made to All Saints church and chapel, Hasketon. In 1227 Henry III granted the priory a fair to be held on All Saints' Tide at Hasketon. When the priory was dissolved in 1536 its possessions passed to the Bishop of Norwich.

Benefice of Boulge with Burgh, Grundisburgh and Hasketon.



Piscinae/Pillar Piscinae


Pillar piscinas are not common in Suffolk, surviving only here, at Pettaugh and at Little Wheltnetham. That at St Catherine's, Pettaugh is extremely crude, but the example at St Mary Magdalene's, Little Whelnetham has a cushion capital on a cylindrical (or at least rounded) shaft.

Victoria County History: Norfolk II (1906), 383-86.
H. M. Cautley, Suffolk Churches and their Treasures. London 1937, 33, 267.
D. P. Mortlock, The Popular Guide to Suffolk Churches: 2 Central Suffolk. Cambridge 1990, 109-10.
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Suffolk. Harmondsworth 1961, rev. E. Radcliffe 1975, 250-51.
R. Tricker, St Andrew's Hasketon Church Guide. Ipswich, undated.