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St Mary's consists of a nave with aisles and a NW turret and a chancel with a N chapel. The nave probably dates from the11thc., and the S aisle was added in the late12thc. The chancel is 13thc and the N chapel, N aisle and NW tower were all added in the mid 14thc. The church also boasts a plain font, probably 12thc.
The church was givenc.1103 to the monks of Fécamp, who shortly afterwards founded a monastic cell nearby. In the late 12thc. and 13thc. the parish church probably had dual functions, used by both the monks and the parishioners.
The S aisle is pretty rough work, of the late 12thc. or slightly later. The S aisle of the church faces away from the Priory, and it seems likely that the aisle was added by the parishioners rather than by the monks.