Buscot was held by Earl Harold in 1066, when it was assessed at 40 hides, and by Robert from Earl Hugh of Chester in 1086, when it was assessed at only 6 hides. This substantial vill had 25 villans, 25 bordars and 6 slaves (perhaps representing a total population of 250), and a fishery.
The tenant might have been Robert, son of Hugh, whose descendants later held the Honour of Ma;pas, Cheshire, to which the lordship of Buscot was attached. In 1086 too, two subtenants were enfoeffed under Robert: Drogo held 8 hides and Ranulph 4. VCH suggests that Ranulph's descendants were the Gerberts who were tenants during the 12thc and 13thc, and who held the advowson of the church.