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The church comprises chancel with N chapel, nave with S porch and S aisle, and W tower. The S aisle runs the full length of the chancel and nave and has a chapel at the E end. The chancel and nave are 13thc. while the porch, S aisle and chapel, S porch and W tower are 15thc. The font is the only 12thc. feature.
Before the Conquest Weare Giffard was held by Ordwulf (of Tehidy). After the Conquest Erchenbald (the Fleming) and Roald Dubbed held the manor and Roald Dubbed was also tenant-in-chief.
Other fonts in Devon churches which take the form of a triple or multi-scallop capital are found in Ashford, Berrrynarbor, Burrington, Christow, Halberton, Horwood, Ilfracombe, Merton, Molland, Netherexe, Stoke St Nectan and West Down (Clarke 1920, 327–35).
F. Arnold-Forster, Studies in Church Dedications: or, England's patron saints, London, 1899, 297.
K. M. Clarke The Baptismal Fonts of Devon. Part VII, Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 52 (1920), 327–35.
C. and F. Thorn (eds) Domesday Book: Devon, Chichester, 1985, 35, 10.
N. Pevsner and B. Cherry, The Buildings of England: Devon, 2nd ed., London, 1989, 891.