In 1086 Ilbert de Lacy held 10 hides in Stanton, of Odo of Bayeux. He is also entered in Domesday Book as holding of Odo two other tenements in Stanton each of one hide, later to become attached to Forest Hill. Ilbert de Lacy's Stanton lands were forfeited by his son Robert when he was expelled from the country by Henry I in 1100, and his Domesday holding of 10 hides had passed to the St John family by 1149, or before. The connection of Stanton with the St John family was to last more than two centuries.
Between 1135 and 1150 the church was granted to Eynsham Abbey by John de St John, then lord of Stanton. The abbey held the advowson until 1537 but never appropriated it. In 1538 the abbey sold it to the bishop of Lincoln, who granted it to New College, Oxford, who still retain it.