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The church has a chancel with an attached vestry on S, nave with attached organ chamber at the E end, and a wooden N tower with a tall spire over the N porch. The E end of the nave is probably 12thc. with a 19thc. (1874) extension to the W. The chancel was also probably 12thc. originally. The chancel arch was rebuilt in the 16thc. The organ chamber, N porch and vestry are 19thc. Much of the exterior is rendered, the area around the N doorway is uncoursed flint. The N doorway is the only Romanesque feature.
In DS Stapleford is included under Bengeo.The earliest record for a church at Stapleford is in 1285.
VCH suggests that the doorway is mid-12thc. A date in the second quarter of the 12thc. seems likely.