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Church consists of chancel, nave with N and S side aisles, and W tower. The nave arcades are Gothic while the nave itself was rebuilt in 1876-77. The S doorway of the nave is Romanesque.
Though Dry Doddington is cited several times in Domesday Book there is no mention of a church.
There are a number of irregular aspects of the door design that suggest it is reset and not represented in its original form. The size of the blocks of stone in the jambs lack any consistency and are set in opposite fashion across from each other so that a short stone is opposed to a long stone across from it. Also the size of the chevron on the jambs is distinctly larger than that in the arch. The use of polygonal imposts in an otherwise Romanesque design suggests a later insert for this component of the door. The arch itself is made of nine voussoirs. Based on the difference in stone color, surface wear, and change in profile of chevron motif (from hollow to flat chevron) the inner seven voussoirs are later insertions. The arch also has a slight, off-centre point to it, which suggests that all the original voussoirs are not present and the door was originally round-headed. The top, two central pieces of the label are also later insertions based on their good surface condition. These characteristics suggest that the door reconstruction came from an assortment of Romanesque elements rather than being a simple rebuilding of an existing door.
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Lincolnshire. London, 1990, 260.