St Mary's has a nave with N and S aisles and Perpendicular clerestoreys. The arcades are both of the 13thc. and very similar, of four bays of which the W bays on either side are very narrow. The reset nave doorways are of c.1200; the N unprotected, the S, of two orders with nook-shafts, under a porch. The S aisle was rebuilt in 1877, and the chancel in 1883. On the N side of the chancel is the Raynsford Chapel (now used as a vestry), built in 1679 in a gothic style and containing family monuments of some pretensions. The W tower is of four slightly stepped storeys, the lowest three of c.1200 to judge from a blocked window in the S wall. The top storey is Perpendicular. Romanesque features recorded here are the N and S doorways.