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All Saints, Croughton, Northamptonshire

(51°59′50″N, 1°12′22″W)
SP 546 335
pre-1974 traditional (England and Wales) Northamptonshire
now Northamptonshire
  • Ron Baxter
  • Ron Baxter
23 June 2004

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Feature Sets

All Saints' is a stone rubble church with an aisled and clerestoreyed nave, chancel and W tower. The N nave arcade has three late-12thc. bays and a half-bay added at the E end in the 13thc. The 13thc. S arcade covers the same distance in three slightly wider bays. In both arcades the arches are inaccurately positioned on their piers; this is especially marked on pier 2 south and pier 3 north. The clerestorey is a 14thc. addition, and there are N and S doorways under porches. There is no chancel arch, but the chancel may date from c.1300 and has a N chapel (now housing the organ) and vestry. The three-storey west tower is short and unbuttressed. Its arch is late 12thc. but all its windows and its doorway were replaced in the early 14thc. The font is a 13thc. piece, apparently recarved in the 15thc. and again in the 19thc. (Pevsner). A photograph is included but no description. Features described here are the N arcade and the tower arch.


In 1086 the largest landholder in Croughton was Osbern who held one hide and two parts of a virgate from Geoffrey de Mandeville. Smaller parcels were held by Aelfric (from the Bishop of Coutances), and William (from the Count of Mortain). No church or priest was recorded.

edication to All Saints recorded in 1522.

Benefice of Aynho and Croughton with Evenley and Farthinghoe and Hinton-in-the-Hedges with Steane.


Interior Features


Tower/Transept arches



Spurred bases are also found at nearby Hinton in the Hedges. The decoration of N arcade pier 2 capital looks like an approximate version of the waterleaf design seen on the E respond of the S arcade at nearby King's Sutton. Something similar appears in the S nave arcade at Kingsthorpe.

G. Baker, The History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton. 2 vols, London, 1822-41, I, 601-02.
J. Bridges, The History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire. (Compiled from the manuscript collections of the late learned antiquary J.Bridges, Esq., by the Rev. Peter Whalley). Oxford 1791, I, 160-62.
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Northamptonshire. Harmondsworth 1961, rev. B. Cherry 1973, 170-71.
RCHME, Report, uncatalogued.