Land at Dinton, known as Domnitone in the Domesday Survey, was owned by the Church of Shaftesbury. Domesday records that pre-1066 (TRE) it paid geld for 38 hides. At the time of the survey there was land for 15 ploughs. Of this land 7 hides and 3 virgates of land were in demense, and there were 2 ploughs, and 4 slaves. There were 21 villans and 10 bordars with 11 ploughs. There were 2 mills rendering 12s 6d and 20 acres of meadow, and as many acres of woodland and pasture 1 league long and a half a league broad. 2 burgesses paid 10d. Of the same land Gunfrid holds 2 hides, and has there 2 ploughs. He who held them TRE could not be separated from the church. The demense of the abbess was and remained worth £18. Gunfrid's [holding] 40s.
In circa 1160 there is a reference to Ivo the Parson.