Coleshill is a village in the far W of the county, on the Wiltshire border (formed by the River Cole) and only 7 miles NE of Swindon. The village clusters around a junction on the B4019 between Swindon and Faringdon, and is best known for Coleshill Park to the S, site of a major 17thc house that was gutted by fire in 1952 and subsequently pulled down.
The church is in the centre of the village. As Pevsner (1966) remarked, it makes an odd group from outside. It consists of a Perp W tower, and a nave with a N aisle and, on the S side, an aisle that has been absorbed into a 14thc transeptal chapel and a 2-storeyed gabled porch alongside the tower. This is taller than the nave or the chapel. The chancel was remodelled in 1780. 12thc. work remains in the S nave arcade, and in fragments reset in the exterior wall of the chancel.