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A squat church composed of a W tower (13thc.), a nave with a N aisle (14thc.) and a chancel (14thc.). There is no obvious 12thc. work, although the S wall of the nave may be Norman.
The first documentary mention of Rudgwick occurred in 1210, and so both church and font are likely to date from the early 13thc.
Although Godfrey dated this font to the late 12thc., it appears to incorporate elements of different dates. The use of ogees indicates a date in the early 14thc., at the earliest, and is one of the few indications that this type of font was still being produced at that date. The upper plinth, angle columns and bowl may date from the modern period, possibly as part of a church restoration programme. While the bases reflect the ogee motif on the lower plinth, the arcading on the bowl belongs to a regional tradition which originated in the 12thc. but lingered into the 13thc.