Four hlodings in Elsham are recorded in the Domesday survey. The largest is that of the Bishop of Lincoln, assessed at 2 carucates and 2 bovates of land and held from him by Joscelin, the Bishop's man. This was held before the Conquest by Wulfmaer. Geoffrey Alselin held 2 carucates and 2 bovates in Elsham in 1086, and Ilbert held a further 7 bovates from Odo, Bishop of Bayeux. Finally a holding of 9 bovates was held by Earnwig from Roger de Poitou, that was held by William in 1066. There is no mention of a church here in any of these manors.
The vill and the church were given by Beatrice d'Amundeville as a foundation gift to her priory of Austin canons at Elsham before 1166. Near the end of the 12thc Jocelyn d'Amundeville gave the endowments of the house to the Knights Hospitaller, but afterwards changed his mind and confirmed the gifts of his grandmother to the prior and canons. Jocelyn may be a family name suggesting that this family were descendants of the Domesday lord Joscelin.