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St Mary the Virgin, Sawston, Cambridgeshire

(52°7′15″N, 0°10′19″E)
TL 488 492
pre-1974 traditional (England and Wales) Cambridgeshire
now Cambridgeshire
medieval not confirmed
now Ely
  • Ron Baxter
  • Ron Baxter
17 June 2003

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Feature Sets

A flint and pebble church consisting of nave and aisles with an aisleless 13thc. chancel and a W tower with a lead spike and an external Sanctus bell. A vestry was added to the S of the tower in the 19thc. The three W bays of both nave arcades date from the later 12thc., while the two E bays are 13thc.


In 1086 Pirot held 4 hides from Eudo fitzHubert, the Abbot of Grestain held 2 hides from the Count of Mortain and Roger held 2 hides from Geoffrey de Mandeville.


Interior Features



C. H. Evelyn-White, County Churches: Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. London 1911, 150-52.
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England. Cambridgeshire, Harmondsworth 1954 (2nd ed. 1970), 452-53.