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St Peter, Weston Favell, Northamptonshire

(52°14′58″N, 0°50′44″W)
Weston Favell
SP 789 619
pre-1974 traditional (England and Wales) Northamptonshire
now Northamptonshire
  • Ron Baxter
  • Ron Baxter
11 August 2004

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Feature Sets

St Peter's has a nave with a three bay N aisle and no clerestorey. The N arcade is 19thc., but the N doorway, reset under a porch, is 12thc. The chancel has stepped 13thc. lancets, but also a 12thc. priest's doorway. On the N is a chapel and a vestry by A.A.J.Marshman of 1969-71, much admired by Pevsner. The unbuttressed W tower is 12thc. in its lower parts, with a plain, blocked W doorway in very crude masonry. It rises four storeys, and the topmost has 13thc. bell-openings and a 13thc. corbel table. Above this is a low pyramid roof. The tower arch is plain and late 12thc. The 12-13thc. work is of stone rubble, the vestry of coursed stone blocks, everything else of coursed stone alternating with rubble. Features recorded here are the W tower doorway, N nave doorway and S chancel doorway.


In 1086 the largest landholder was the Count of Mortain, who held 2½ hides himself, and three hides, which Walter held from him. In addition, the abbey of Grestain held 1½ hides, and 1 hide belonged to the royal manor of Kingsthorpe. No church was noted in any of these holdings.


Exterior Features



Trefoil scallop capitals, as seen on the N doorway, are not common in the county, and these are well-proportioned and probably late 12thc., as indicated by the trumpet scallops.

Victoria County History: Northamptonshire, IV (1937)
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England. Northamptonshire, Harmondsworth, 1961, rev. by B. Cherry, 1973, 348.